So, here I am having a very busy week. I knew that it was going to be a busy week going in to it. I was very busy. Everyone was so busy around me too. We have had tons of sunshine and warm weather. YAY! I live somewhere where we have had a snowy dark winter and now.. we have sunshine and light and heat. I am very thankful for that. My week kind of started crazy last week. My oldest daughter's birthday was coming and I wanted her to have a slumber party with her little friends on Friday night. I didnt sleep Thursday night because I was so excited. Then the little girlies decided to be awake until 1215 am. SO, once again, I did not sleep. Then on Saturday I had a bridal shower I went to for someone new coming into "the family" (My Husbands family is about 55 people and we all live in about a 40 mile radius, with only one or two people living out that far. The bulk of the family lives within about a 15 mile radius that is what I call "the family".) And that was fine and then we had dinner with a family friend and that was good. We got some crazy news about something and so I did not sleep Saturday night. But it was only a small piece of the picture and so on Sunday after having found out a little more and then going to my Mom's for lunch and then shopping for Frick's birthday and then going to another family members for dinner I once again did not sleep on Sunday night. I had to get up and go to work on Monday morning, which I know I have whinned about not usually doing that before, and after work on Monday I went to finish up birthday shopping and spent time with my kidos. I did not sleep in Monday night because I found out even more about the crazy news. Then on Tuesday I went to my Mom's house to get ready for Frick's birthday. I made her a cake and cleaned the house and got her shish-ka-bobs ready. That was the dinner that she had requested. I spent a few hours with her at school and that was fun. Then she was blessed with some great birthday presents. Tuesday night I was very tired, but I was excited because Wednsday was Field Day at Frick's school!! So, once again I did not sleep too well. I spent the day with Frick's class and even Frack came to the festivities for a little while. It was great fun, but I was tired when I got home, but I still went to a class that I am taking. When I got home, I think that I finally slept, but it was not enough. I could have slept more. Then instead of getting my house clean like I needed to, I got a mirgraine headache and I did not feel good at all. (WARNING!! I am going into whinning mode!) I just didn't feel good. And then it was Frick's last day of first grade and that was depressing to me. I feel sad that she is getting older. I am afraid that I will lose her one day. I hate to see her get older and more and more capable and not really need me. But I know that we will always be friends and that some part of her will always need me. She is amazing and I love her alot. She is reading this over my shoulder and is correcting my spelling as I go. HAHAHA!!! Well, that is all I have for now.
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