Friday, May 1, 2009

Been too long

Well, it has been way too long since I have blogged. I like doing it, I just need to make it a habit. SIGH! I have way too many things to make a habit and a steady thing in my life. Today I worked all day to get the kids all set up. I cleaned up the kids room and moved beds around. I am hoping it makes the night times a little easier. I have had two kids in my bed for a week straight and I am DONE with all of that! It has been a great week weather wise here. Normal is about 40or50. We hit 68 today! I am loving it! The sun is so nice!! But, its all good anyways. There is alot of change going on all around me. I have a friend who is leaving and that is not really hitting me yet. I am pretty sure that it will. It has been a long time since I have had to say goodbye to someone. I am also sure that it will be hard. It is someone that I am pretty close too, we go shopping together for groceries and other things. So, I will need to adjust. And it will be ok. We have a staff change going on with our pastors. I am not too sure what to think about that. But, life will go on and I will be ok. In fact some day I will be good. I am not a big fan of the whole change thing and I will be figuring that all out. I know that I need to adjust my life not to be too busy. I am not too sure how to do that. I am really going to be praying for that. I know that it is one thing that I need to fix. Praying more. Spending time with the Lord to see what He is saying. I also need to cook every day and to do away with the bad things in my life. Bad things meaning the things that are not good for me. Soda, sugar, fast food, I need to pray to break those things off so that I will not have to fight it off. But anyways, not to keep going on. But I am in the middle of some crazy thinking and they are just making me a little nuts. But I will be good again. Okay. Subject change. Hahaha. I told you way too much about change. I will need to get some sleep and then I will be able to come up with something better to share about. YAY SPRING!!

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