Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trying to do....

So, I am trying to do alot. That is pretty crazy. I am always busy and so I am taking some time to look inside so that I can get some things straightened out. I want to get my stuff in a row. I want to get better at my house. Keeping it straightened up and laundry in a good timely manner. I want to get better at taking care of myself so that I can feel better about myself. I want to run with my kids and I not be too tired and have energy after working and keep up with cooking dinner. And other things. Wow, I look at this and it makes me sound all about myself. Well, I am not really all about myself. I am all about being the person who wants to do better for other things for other people, that they would come before me. I want to put my kids before my own self and make sure that they are the best little people they can be. I want to put my husband before myself so that I can be beside him with whatever dreams that he has. So there there you go, I am just trying to do... but I guess I need to learn how to rest too...

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